Monday, February 12, 2007

Words of wisdom


At 1:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Bharad, your 300% oxygen article was interesting, but to be frank you got it wrong. A water body's ability to support aquatic life is measured by the percentage of dissolved oxygen also called DO. DO is nothing but microscopic oxygen bubbles between water molecules. Why do you think fish die in a water tank without plants or oxygen supply? do you think fish takes in the oxygen atom from the water's H2O molecule?? think again.... so basically that ad is not wrong... water can have 300% DO in it....

At 10:25 PM, Blogger Bharad said...


I am aware of DO, but hoonestly not to the extent of percentages. based on your comment, i did a little search, to realise that max permitted DO for fishes is only 110%, more resulting in gas bubble disease.

in human context, water is not the only source for oxygen; we breathe, right?

neways, good to see some discussion flowing.


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